Upcoming Training
Adult Mental Health First Aid Training®
This training is for Georgia Military College Employees Only
Consulting and Training that can be Translated into Action Rapidly is Priceless!
Who We are
Established in 2019, Future Generation is the premiere consulting and training company for your mental/behavioral health needs. .
what we do
FG specializes in training individuals, businesses, and staff members to understand mental health problems while assessing and assisting someone who is coping with emotional situations.
Future Generation offers services proven essential to knowledge and awareness regarding the mental/behavioral health field.
Our Services
Mental Health First Aid®USA
Mental Health First Aid® USA is training to teach participants how to help someone
who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis..
Critical Incident Desensitization Protocols
(CIDP) This training teaches individual’s how to implement a crisis intervention
technique by utilizing dual attention stimulation
A wide range of mental health consulting services are offered to employers, non-profits, religious and community organizations, educational institutions, current and future mental health clinicians.
We provide a wide range of workshops/seminars to bring awareness to the topics of mental health.
Get In Touch

Contact Info
PO Box 157
Aiken, SC 29802
Fax 803-648-7665